Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

How to Unblock User in Calem

​A user account is blocked when a user failed to login for 4 times in a row. There are two options to unblock a user.  1. Unblock by Another User An admin user, or a user with edit access to user list form unblock a user. Go to the user list (Organization | ACL Profiles | User list)​Find the user blocked, edit the user...
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  6045 Hits
6045 Hits

How to Track Asset Off-Site Repair

Off-site repair process is provided to track assets and their repair costs. The process is described in the diagram below. Requisition and purchase orders in Calem are used to manage the approval process for off-site repair. Inventory transactions are used to track assets in the repair process.  Step 1. Create a r...
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  7726 Hits
7726 Hits

When to Use Teams in Calem

Teams may be used to manage users in Calem. They can be used to organize internal resources into functional groups based on shifts, specialty, or other requirements.  They can also be used to manage contractor resources. 1. Team SetupTeams are more efficient when you have many maintenance resources to manage. Teams can be e...
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  6847 Hits
6847 Hits

How to Streamline Work Order Processes in Calem by SLA

Work orders are used to manage all the maintenance work including corrective and preventive maintenance activities. Work order status graph is used to describe work order processes. This blog discusses the methods introduced in Calem Enterprise release R11c to streamline the work order processes. The methods monitor work order status...
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  7337 Hits
7337 Hits

Add Asset Photo by Drag and Drop

In Calem Enterprise R11c available in June 2018, a menu has been added in the asset form to simplify adding an asset photo. The steps are: Click "Attach Photo" menu in asset form.Drag and drop a photo to the file upload formClose the file upload formThe photo uploaded will be used as the asset's photo. In addition to the simple operation above ther...
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  6390 Hits
6390 Hits

Asset Tracking in Calem

Asset tracking is one of the essential functions of an enterprise asset management (EAM) solution such as CalemEAM. I will cover the following questions in this blog: What are assets?How to track asset life-cycles in Calem?How to track asset activities?How to track asset depreciation? 1. What are Assets? Assets are identified based o...
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  7658 Hits
7658 Hits

How to Increase Productivity with Home Form

Home form is introduced in Calem Enterprise R11b. It is the default form in Favorite module. Home form is shown when Favorite module is the first module in your module bar (the left vertical menu bar). In this blog I will show you how to increase your users' productivity with the Home form. Let's start with the purposes of the&n...
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  7276 Hits
7276 Hits

Group vs Individual Customization

​Customization of data and screens are hallmarks of Calem Enterprise. Screen customization can be achieved at group level or at individual user level.  ​Group customization refers to screen configuration for a group of users.Individual customization refers to the screen configuration by a login user. Here are the guidelines regarding group and...
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  7343 Hits
7343 Hits

Calem Integration 1: Email & Misc Integration

Calem Enterprise comes with integration capabilities including: Email & Misc Integration: service request submission, service request and work order interaction via emails. Additional integration includes data export/import, and active directory.Application Programming Interface (API): the APIs to read, update and delete records in Calem. It is...
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  6970 Hits
6970 Hits

How to Require/Mandate Fields for Work Orders by Status/Category

This feature allows one to set up required fields in work orders by Status and Category. Calem will check work orders and block status transition if required fields are not filled.  Some sample business cases to apply the feature: When a work order is released to technicians the work order must be assigned.When a work order is completed soluti...
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  8050 Hits
8050 Hits

How to Set up Work Order Layouts by Category

There are business cases that organizations use different work order completion and print layouts for work orders of different categories. For instance, PM and non-PM work orders may have different sets of fields required. Calem provides two options: The first option is work order completion screens for PM and non-PM work orders. This option allows...
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  10859 Hits
10859 Hits

Approval Routing for Auto-Generated REQs

See this blog for mandating pre-approval for REQs. Requisition approval routing has been defined based on requesters (see this blog). This method works well for user initiated requisitions. For requisitions generated by Calem based on min/max stock level configurations the requesters are not end users. There are ways in Calem to configure...
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  7015 Hits
7015 Hits

Radio Buttons for Dropdown List

​Dropdown list defines a set of values for a field. It is used extensively in Calem Enterprise. By default a dropdown list is shown as a dropdown field. For example, work order category is shown as a dropdown list. There are cases customers like to see radio buttons for a dropdown list seeded in Calem or created by customers. This can be achie...
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  6428 Hits
6428 Hits

Calem Integration 2: REST API

Calem Enterprise comes with integration capabilities including: Email Integration: service request submission, service request and work order interaction via emails.Application Programming Interface (API): the APIs to read, update and delete records in Calem. It is ideal for third party applications to integrate with Calem via APIs.Custom Triggers:...
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  8204 Hits
8204 Hits

Asset Depreciation

Asset depreciation has been reworked in Calem Enterprise R11. It supports three depreciation methods and annual reporting. Here are the key fields to configure in an asset for depreciation reporting. An asset can be excluded from depreciation by setting its flag: "No Depreciation" Original and end values define the starting and ending values b...
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  7821 Hits
7821 Hits

Asset KPIs by Class (Categorization)

The asset KPIs by assets are replacing the KPIs by classes from release R2023c. The KPIs by asset classes are deprecated.  The definition of KPIs are valid excepting ones that are deprecated which are noted with "(Deprecated)".See this blog for updated KPIs. New asset Key Performance Indicators (KPI) have been added in Cale...
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  6828 Hits
6828 Hits

Purchase Process Automation and Coordination

Purchase process automation includes the following steps: A. Use Min/Max to control inventory stock levels.B. Create requisitions when inventory stock falls below the minimum stock quantities.C. Route requisitions to supervisors for approvalD. Create a PO when a requisition is approvedE. Email a PO print in PDF format&...
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  6543 Hits
6543 Hits

Calem Integration 3: Custom Triggers

Calem Enterprise comes with integration capabilities including: Email Integration: service request submission, service request and work order interaction via emails.Application Programming Interface (API): the APIs to read, update and delete records in Calem. It is ideal for third party applications to integrate with Calem via APIs.Custom Trig...
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  8697 Hits
8697 Hits

Vendor Performance Report

​Vendor performance reports show how effective vendors are delivering goods. The actual delivery time can be compared against the lead time provided. The lead time is the number of days that vendors need to deliver goods. The lead time can be defined at various levels to best reflect vendor capabilities. Calem calculates the vendor performance...
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  11005 Hits
11005 Hits

Work Order Acceptance Signature

Work order acceptance is a step in Calem Enterprise for customers to accept a completed work order. There are two ways to accept a work order: ​The work order accepter logs into Calem via Ajax web client and accept a completed work order. A technician completed a work order at a customer site, and get a signature from customer to accept the wo...
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  7417 Hits
7417 Hits