Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

Preventive Maintenance in R9.0e

You can manage preventive maintenance in Calem by phones/tablets in R9.0e. Preventive Maintenance (PM) is recurring maintenance activities based on time or condition. For example, a maintenance activity is carried out every 3 months, or every 2000 miles. The tutorial below walks through the creation of time-based ...
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  7945 Hits
7945 Hits

Work Order Step in R9.0d

Work order steps are instructions and requirements to be done for a work order. Additional attributes have been added to work order steps in Calem Enterprise Release 9.0d: Condition of the components of the stepMaintenanced neededCorrective action takenComments for the step. Or you may continue adding comments at work order level. If your organizat...
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  6985 Hits
6985 Hits

Favorite Menu Module in R9.0d

Favorite module makes it simple to launch forms. Menu history is recorded in the history list. You can drag a menu from history list and drop it in the favorite menu list. When you log in, the favorite menu will display both the favorite and history menu list. So you can simply click a menu to launch a form.
  6975 Hits
6975 Hits