Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

How to Customize Multi-Language Labels

Multi-language labels allow Calem to show text labels in several languages in forms, reports and exports. For instance, "WO #" and "BT #" are English and French labels for work order number labels, Calem could display the label for work order label as "WO #/BT #".  Here is a use case of dual-language labels: A customer has a joi...
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  8264 Hits
8264 Hits

Priority and Category in Service Request Entry

This support case addresses the following use case: ​When reporting an issue as a service request in Calem, they should select a priority and category specifically.Dropdown fields are prefilled with the first value in the dropdown list or a pre-configured value by administrators. Calem is modified to require a user to select a dropdo...
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  6578 Hits
6578 Hits

Workflow Events Enhancements for Work Orders

​The following use cases have been addressed: ​Turn off notifications for preventive maintenance work orders while allowing the same notifications for non-PM work orders.Do not send notifications when work orders are closed.Do not notify technical staff and clients when a work order is created or approved. The notifications should only be sent...
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  7171 Hits
7171 Hits

Calem Enterprise Customization

Customers can tailor Calem Enterprise by built-in tools without worrying about upgrading their solutions. The customization through the built-in tools is preserved when upgrading to new releases.  Here are the areas of customization through the built-in tools: ​User Interface (UI) Customization - change forms and reports ba...
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  9280 Hits
9280 Hits

Multi-Site Solution

​The multi-site solution in Calem Enterprise has been successfully implemented by customers to manage both internal operations and customer services. Internal Operations In this use case a company uses Calem Enterprise to manage its own operations in multiple sites. A site is a physical presence of the company such as a regional offi...
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  6893 Hits
6893 Hits

Disallowed List for Assignment

For technical staff who are EAM crew (i.e., who can be assigned to work orders) and not allowed to be sent to a site in normal cases, the Site Disallowed can be used to implement the use case. This feature affects the work order assignment. Here are the workflow procedures for this feature. Define users who should not be sent to a site or a company...
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  6507 Hits
6507 Hits

Pin a Form Tab

Up to 6 forms are displayed in the Calem desktop by default. When a new form is opened, the forms will be shifted left and the left-most form will be removed when the open forms reach the allowed maximum of 6. The new form is added to the right. To keep a form from being removed, you may pin a form to the desktop: up to 4 forms can be pin...
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  6462 Hits
6462 Hits

PM Completed from Work Order Screen

​A convenience feature is available in Calem Release R9.0h for one to view completed PM work orders without leaving the work order screen. Here is the steps to use this feature: ​Use a proper list view to find work orders of interest. For instance, a technician may use "My WO" list to find own assignment to be worked on. A supervisor may ...
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  7726 Hits
7726 Hits

Preventive Maintenance (PM) Custom Fields in Work Orders

A preventive maintenance (PM) object is a preventive job to be performed regularly by schedules. A feature has been added in Calem Release R9.0h to copy custom fields of PMs to work orders when the PMs are turned into work orders. There are sample use cases for this feature: A monthly PM requires a particular certificate an...
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  8170 Hits
8170 Hits

Project Inventory

Project inventory allows one to manage inventory items by projects. Project stocks can be transacted like non-project stock items.  Project Designation of Stock Items You can manage project designation in the following ways: Set project designation when receiving items. Set project designation when performing physical counting. Set or uns...
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  7585 Hits
7585 Hits

Drag and Drop for Internet Explorer (IE) - End of Life

Internet Explorer (IE) is no longer supported. See this blog for more info. Calem Enterprise works with Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox, and IE. Chrome and Edge have better performance than IE. When using IE 9, 10 and 11 with Calem Enterprise, Compatibility View Settings must be set for drag-and-drop to work. For in...
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  7611 Hits
7611 Hits

Preventive Maintenance in R9.0e

You can manage preventive maintenance in Calem by phones/tablets in R9.0e. Preventive Maintenance (PM) is recurring maintenance activities based on time or condition. For example, a maintenance activity is carried out every 3 months, or every 2000 miles. The tutorial below walks through the creation of time-based ...
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  7848 Hits
7848 Hits

Work Order Step in R9.0d

Work order steps are instructions and requirements to be done for a work order. Additional attributes have been added to work order steps in Calem Enterprise Release 9.0d: Condition of the components of the stepMaintenanced neededCorrective action takenComments for the step. Or you may continue adding comments at work order level. If your organizat...
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  6874 Hits
6874 Hits

Favorite Menu Module in R9.0d

Favorite module makes it simple to launch forms. Menu history is recorded in the history list. You can drag a menu from history list and drop it in the favorite menu list. When you log in, the favorite menu will display both the favorite and history menu list. So you can simply click a menu to launch a form.
  6869 Hits
6869 Hits

By accepting you will be accessing a service provided by a third-party external to