Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

Asset Category Attributes

Note: this blog is superseded by Class and Class Attributes in R11 available in Spring 2018. Asset Category and Sub-Category Asset category and sub-category are used to organize assets and configuration items in Calem. Inside a sub-category, you may organize assets into asset groups. For example, you have defined an asset group "F150-Truc...
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  9358 Hits
9358 Hits

Scheduled Reports (Deprecated)

This blog is superseded by a new blog: How to Set up Scheduled Reports in Calem Scheduled reports allow one to set up reports to be generated on a future date and emailed to users. It is a new feature added in R10. A few reports are available as scheduled reports. More scheduled reports will be added based on customer feedback. Here is a ...
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  7069 Hits
7069 Hits

Meter Triggered Work Orders

Meter triggers define the ranges of readings that meter events should be fired. For instance, one can define meter triggers for engine temperature readings. If an engine's temperature is too high, a trigger is fired.  You can define meter triggers to kick off work orders in Calem. Here are the steps: Define meter triggers for meter groups...
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  7707 Hits
7707 Hits

Scheduled Upload of Meter Readings

Scheduled upload is a process that is launched every day by Calem. It is an ideal process for uploading daily machine readings. Here are the workflow processes: ​Use a file transfer tool to automate the transportation of meter reading excel files to Calem services. For instance, you may use Capistrano ( to automate the fil...
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  7097 Hits
7097 Hits

How to Customize Multi-Language Labels

Multi-language labels allow Calem to show text labels in several languages in forms, reports and exports. For instance, "WO #" and "BT #" are English and French labels for work order number labels, Calem could display the label for work order label as "WO #/BT #".  Here is a use case of dual-language labels: A customer has a joi...
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  8387 Hits
8387 Hits