Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

When to Use Store-Based Pricing for Inventory

In the coming release of R2024 store-based pricing is available for inventory cost tracking. This blog explains when this feature may be used. 1. Site vs Store Pricing Average pricing per item per site (or Site-Average Pricing) is the default used for inventory cost tracking. It works fine for most use cases. For example, your i...
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  1245 Hits
1245 Hits

How to Report a List of Items Checked Out

This blog demonstrates the use of lookup search by a list of values in inventory reports. For instance, one wants to find out inventory checkouts for a list of items. 1. List Report The first step is to launch "Inventory | Tran. Reports | Item Net Issues. This report shows all the net checkouts (i.e., checkouts minus returns).   Sele...
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  1087 Hits
1087 Hits

How to Automate Pricing for Repaired Parts

Parts may be repaired and reused in maintenance operations. Pricing new and repaired parts differently may be implemented in Calem when needs arise. Furthermore, pricing repaired parts can be automated in the coming R2024 release.  When returning a repaired part to inventory, its price can be determined by a pricing rule so...
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  1319 Hits
1319 Hits

Maintenance KPIs by Assets and Locations

The Work Order (WO) Monthly KPI by assets or locations was added in R2023d (August 2023). The feature of a KPI by assets or locations will be extended to the "Summary" and "Asset" Tabs of the Dashboard Module in the coming release of R2024 (February 2024). The "Assets" menu can be launched to select a set of assets or ...
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  1386 Hits
1386 Hits

A New Checkbox for Capital Expenditure in POs

A new checkbox is added in purchase orders (POs) for capital expenditure (CapEx). It will be available in the coming release of R2024 in February 2024.  A user may set the checkbox to indicate a CapEx PO.Alternatively, the checkbox may be set by other fields including cost centers, projects and PO classes.  1. CapEx in Cost Centers A...
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  1042 Hits
1042 Hits

A KPI for Purchase Orders and Budgets

A new KPI for purchase orders (POs) and budgets is available in the coming release of R2024 in February 2024. It provides an insightful look into the total spending versus the budgets.  Click "List" menu to drill down to items purchased.  2. Multi-Site KPI The dashboard supports site by site comparison. Click "Multi-Site KPI" menu to...
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  1150 Hits
1150 Hits

WO Monthly KPIs for the Past 13 Months

Work Order Monthly KPIs for the past 13 months will be available in the coming release of R2024 . It delivers more insights than the KPIs for the 12 months of the current year. The first screenshot is the monthly charts for the past 13 months. The next screenshot is for the current year. This feature may be extended to...
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  1052 Hits
1052 Hits

Inventory KPIs for Consumables and Parts

A new inventory category, Consumable, is added in the coming release of R2024. It allows one to view inventory KPIs for consumables and parts. Consumables are items that are used up. For instance, lubrication oil is consumable.Parts are components for assets. Some of the spare parts may be repaired and reused.Both consumable and part...
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  1149 Hits
1149 Hits

Work Order Creation and Changes by Map

Work order creation and changes by map is available in the coming release of R2023f (January 2024). The feature supports the following use cases: Support team drops a pin in a map or floorplan for an issue reported.Use menu "Assets Nearby" to show assets nearby (or Assets in a floorplan).Select an asset or location to create a work order....
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  1173 Hits
1173 Hits

Enhancement to Work Order KPIs by Specialty

The WO KPI by specialty is enhanced with category set filtering in the coming release of R2023f (December 2023). It allows one to show the WO KPI by specialty for corrective work orders. The WO KPIs by specialty are calculated for year and month.Click "Categories" to select a WO category set to show the count by specialty. For instan...
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  1138 Hits
1138 Hits

How to Mandate Signatures for Work Order Checklists

Signatures may be mandated when completing work order checklists in the coming release of R2023f. A safety or step may mandate a signature to complete by checking "Signature Reqd?" checkbox.Calem Mobile must be used to complete a safety or step when signatures are required. 1. Mandate Signatures in PM Safety/Steps Signatures may be mandat...
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  1169 Hits
1169 Hits

How to Mandate Pre-Approval for REQs

The requisition approval flow has been refactored for better support of Pre-Approval in the coming release R2023f (December 2023). It supports the following workflow:A REQ has to be pre-approved before it can be approved.Pre-Approved can only be set by users configured as Pre-Approvers in Org | ACL Profiles | Monitor User.Buyers can only appro...
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  1039 Hits
1039 Hits

How to Report Inventory Valuation in Dual Currencies

Inventory valuation can be reported in dual currency in the coming release of R2023f (December 2023). Organizations with multi-currency setup may find this report useful. The following reports are enabled for dual currency summaries. Inventory | Report | Site Inventory Valuation by Avg PricingInventory | Report | Site Inventory by Bin 1. ...
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  1046 Hits
1046 Hits

How to Surface PM Info in Assets

PM info has been enhanced in assets from release R2023e (November 2023). For instance, "PM Count" is surfaced in asset lists. It shows the number of PMs associated with an asset. A planner can use the PM count to determine if PMs have been set up for critical assets. The count includes PMs, PM inspection and round stops associat...
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  973 Hits
973 Hits

Selecting Stores for Planned Parts in Work Orders

An optional is available to select stores for planned parts in work orders in the coming release of R2023e. The following screenshot is shown when "Use Item" or "Use All" is selected from "Planned Part" list of a work order (3rd screenshot below). Planned parts not filled will be displayed.Click a row to view stock and select one to use (...
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  1133 Hits
1133 Hits

How to View Part Orders from Work Orders

Part ordered for a work order can be viewed from Planned Part list in the coming release of R2023e. Click "View Order" from Planned Part to view REQ and PO lines ordered for this work order (1st screenshot below).The REQ lines and PO lines are shown in two separate tabs (2nd screenshot below).Click "Open Lines" to show all open orders for...
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  1079 Hits
1079 Hits

How to Mandate Picture and Document for Items

Picture and document can be mandated for items in the coming release of R2023e. In the screenshot below, one can mandate fields, picture and document for an item. 1. Mandatory Fields An inventory item is an object for a spare part or service. It is important to have all the required data populated. Here is the process to mandate fields in item...
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  1064 Hits
1064 Hits

How to Use KPIs for Process Improvement

Process KPIs are available in the coming release of R2023e scheduled for November 2023.  They show the goals and operational results across sites. They are great tools for process improvement. For instance, the diagram below shows the goals of maintenance budgets (in red) and the operational budgets of three plants. &n...
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  1117 Hits
1117 Hits

KPIs for Auto Min/Max Process

KPIs are available for the Auto Min/Max Process. They help measure the effectiveness of process.The first KPI is total stock value difference year over year.Inventory Value year over year is a KPI to show the inventory valuation of current year and previous year. The goal of the auto min/max process is to set min/max l...
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  1244 Hits
1244 Hits

Auto Min/Max Process for Inventory

Auto Min/Max Process is introduced in the coming release of R23e. It allows an organization to better control when to order spare parts for maintenance operations. Here is a use case: An organization has multiple plants each has own warehouses. It would like to minimize parts stored in warehouses across the plants while meeting the maintenance...
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  1285 Hits
1285 Hits