Calem Blogs

Blogs of CalemEAM

Quick Reading Entry for Calem Mobile

Quick reading entry is available in Calem Mobile in the coming release of Calem R2022c. The color-coded readings indicate if a reading raised an alarm (in red), or is normal (green).  This blog discusses the new settings in R2022c for weekly and monthly quick reading entries.  1. Weekly and Monthly Readings A reading freque...
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  2276 Hits
2276 Hits

When to Close Work Orders without Acceptance

Acceptance is a step in the life-cycle of work orders for a customer or supervisor to accept work completed. For instance, a repair work order is accepted by an operations manager; a PM work order is accepted by a maintenance supervisor. Use the following chart to determine if there are too many work orders to be accepted:  Dashboard | Summary...
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  1956 Hits
1956 Hits

Tips to Browse Open Work Orders

Open work orders represent current maintenance work load. They need to be actively managed for approval, planning and execution. There are various views in Calem to browse open work orders including Open WO (PMs) and Open WO (Non-PMs) in the coming release of R2022b for May 2022. This blog summarizes various ways to view open work orders....
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  2364 Hits
2364 Hits

Weekly Scheduling for Own Teams

A new team-based weekly scheduling is available in the coming release of Calem R2022b planned for May 2022. It allows one to configure WO planners to do weekly scheduling for their own teams. 1. "Scheduling Own Teams" Flag A new flag is added in the monitor user form for users to do weekly scheduling for their teams. It is a producti...
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  2228 Hits
2228 Hits

Comparing Weekly vs Weeks of PM Schedules

There are two types of schedules when managing repeat tasks by weeks. Their differences are demonstrated by examples below. A. "Weekly" schedule. It allows one to schedule a task to happen every week on one or more week days.A next due date is calculated from the next day after the starting date, and find the next due day by mov...
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  2319 Hits
2319 Hits

Work Orders Notes by Speech Recognition

Accurate and detailed notes are important in work orders. They provide a truthful document trail of maintenance and repair of assets critical to businesses. Speech recognition in mobile devices can make the job easier for technicians to enter notes by speaking. The following is a sample case of adding a note to a work order by v...
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  2808 Hits
2808 Hits

How to Turn Off Calem Mobile per User Profiles

There are cases a Calem admin needs to turn off Calem Mobile. For instance, a Calem admin is working on processes and screen customization for Calem web. The same will be done for Calem Mobile at a later time. It would make sense to turn off Calem Mobile for the time being. This blog discusses steps a Calem admin can take to turn off...
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  2239 Hits
2239 Hits

Tips in Adding Short Videos to a Work Order

 In the coming release of Calem R2022b short videos can be added to work orders in Calem Mobile. Calem Mobile needs to be upgraded from App Store (iOS devices) or Google Play (Android devices).Search "CalemEAM" if you are installing Calem Mobile the first time.See this blog for more info.This feature is available in Ca...
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  2492 Hits
2492 Hits

How to Manage Work Orders Assigned to Me and My Team

There are productive facilities in Calem for managing work orders assigned to the login user or the teams of the login user. These forms can be used by both web and mobile users. 1. My Assignment/Team in Calem Web The following use cases are supported to streamline work order management for web users. A technician may use My Assignme...
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  2511 Hits
2511 Hits

How to Reset "Qty to Order" in Site Inventory

Inventory "Qty to Order" and "Qty on Order" might be off in Calem due to the following factors: When an inventory is uploaded the ordering is not triggered by minimum/maximum stock control and order generation.  This is by design because you may upload inventory with min/max and order creation configuration, followed by uploadin...
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  2417 Hits
2417 Hits

How to Test Emails in Calem

Workflow emails are available in Calem. Outbound emails are placed in a email queue. The email queue is sent out by a server process running in the background as a repeat cron job. This blog present an option to manually trigger email processing. This option might be useful for Calem Admins. For instance, you are not ready to turn on outb...
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  1956 Hits
1956 Hits

How to Manage Inventory Items Individually (or Item Serialization)

Inventory items are managed in bulk by bin/quantities in storerooms typically in Calem. For instance, there are three spark plugs in shelf 1 at the maintenance storeroom. However, managing inventory in bulk might not be sufficient for all organizations. For instance, there are three high precision cameras tha...
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  2560 Hits
2560 Hits

How to Visualize Item Consumption Monthly

Monthly consumption for an individual item can be visualized in release R2022a of March 2022. It is based on the inventory KPI charts. Menu: Dashboard | Inventory Tab | Checkout Bar ChartClick Dashboard (1) to view Dashboard moduleClick "Inventory" Tab for inventory KPIs Click "Options" (2) in the chart above to set an individual item to show ...
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  2096 Hits
2096 Hits

How to Manage Maintenance Budgets in Calem

The KPIs of maintenance budgets have been added in Calem R2022a in March, 2022. A maintenance budget includes parts and services used in maintenance operations. The maintenance KPIs are shown as line charts of actual and budgeted cost. Menu: Dashboard | Inventory Tab | Actual/BudgetedThe line in purple shows the monthly budgetsT...
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  2028 Hits
2028 Hits

Enhancements to Part Repair Processes

This blog covers enhancements to part repair processes covered in a previous blog. This iteration of the enhancements makes the repair process easier to manage. 1. Create a Part Repair WO There are two ways to create a part repair work order. Menu: Inventory | Transactions | Create Repair WO (Checkout). A part is checked out from stock, and a ...
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  2164 Hits
2164 Hits

How to Transfer and Dispose Inventory

This is the original blog about transfer and disposal. See this blog for simplified processes for transfer and disposal.  Inventory transfer is introduced in release R2022a (March 2022). It allows one to transfer parts from one site to another. There are three steps to execute a part transfer: Move a part to a "Transient" s...
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  2217 Hits
2217 Hits

Who Logged in and How Long

A new report is introduced in the coming release of Calem R2022a. The report is "Login Duration" and answers the question of the blog title.  Menu path: Admin | Report | Login DurationA date range is required for the reportA user can be optionally set to report the login duration for a specific user. Otherwise, all the users are reported for t...
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  2075 Hits
2075 Hits

Tips in Printing Barcode Labels from a Phone/Tablet

Inventory and stock labels can be printed right from an iPhone/iPad or an Android Phone/Tablet in Calem release R2022. The barcode labels are printed from the Site Inventory screen below. Tap "Inventory Label" to print the inventory barcode label. Tap "Stock Label" to print the stock barcode label.Available printers are shown via App...
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  2707 Hits
2707 Hits

Multi-Site KPIs for Inventory

Multi-Site inventory KPIs are available in release R2022. They are accessible from the inventory KPIs in the "Inventory" tab of the dashboard. The multi-site KPIs are launched from summary inventory KPIs.A summary inventory KPI is based on all the site data accessible to the login user's profile.The "Multi-Site" menu icon launches the multi-si...
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  2981 Hits
2981 Hits

How to Enforce Inspection before PO Receiving

Part inspection prior to receiving a PO is a process introduced in release R2022. The process allows one to enforce inspection before receiving a PO. For organizations that render payment when parts are received to inventory, this process adds a level of payment control. 1. Inspection Flag Inspection flag indicating the requirement of inspection fo...
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  2328 Hits
2328 Hits