Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

How to Use Item Revision in Calem

Item revision is introduced in the coming release of R2019c. It is used to track the latest revision of an item. It is defined at global items and copied to site items. It is copied over to the lines of requisition and purchase ordersThe current revision number of an item is copied to inventory transaction. It is not tracked in inventory ...
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  4876 Hits
4876 Hits

When to use Asset Item in Calem

An asset item represents a group of identical assets. It can be the manufacturer catalog number or part number for an equipment. In cases the catalog or part numbers are not available one may define it by the make and model of an equipment. The advantages of asset item include: The asset item number allows one to manage an asset as inventory.A...
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  5122 Hits
5122 Hits

New Work Order KPIs in R2019c

​New work order KPIs have been introduced in coming release of Calem R2019c: Work order past duesWork orders due this week/month, and next week/monthWork orders released but not assignedPersonalized KPIs are provided for login users 1. Summary KPIs: Past-Due, Due and UnAssigned A manager can use the summary KPIs to prioritize past-due work ord...
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  4721 Hits
4721 Hits

How to Implement Password Change Policy in Calem

Password change policy is introduced in the coming release of R2019c.  Administrators can activate a system wide policy to enforce password changes by a time interval. For instance, all users must change their passwords every five months.  When a user is authenticated from the login screen Calem compares the password change poli...
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  4994 Hits
4994 Hits

How to Use Q-R Code with Calem

Q-R codea are two-dimentional barcodes and can be used just like stardard (one-dimentional) barcodes. Here are the steps to use Q-R codes with Calem. Step 1. Print Q-R Codes and Attach to Assets or Inventory Parts This step is done with your barcode printers supporting Q-R codes. For instance, to use Q-R codes with assets in Calem, use Ca...
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  17329 Hits
17329 Hits

How to Do Inventory Physical Count in Barcode Module

Inventory physical count transactions are performed to synchronize stock quantities in Calem with storerooms. In the coming release of R2019c users can set stock quantity and change bin in a single physical count transaction in barcode module.  1. Calem Touch Calem Touch is the mobile solution for Calem. It is available from App Store, or...
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  8064 Hits
8064 Hits

How to Set up Daily KPIs of Work Orders

Daily and monthly key performance indicators (KPIs) of work orders are created in real time in Calem. They are available from dashboard or analysis module: Menu path: Dashboard | WO SLA (created and completed); WO PM/EMS (preventive vs emergency); WO Misc (created by sources).Menu path: Analysis module | WO Analysis Analysis module | WO A...
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  5230 Hits
5230 Hits

How to Manage Equivalent Spare Parts

A spare part may have equivalent ones that can be used in place of the spare part in case of shortage. Enhancements have been made to the management of equivalent parts in the coming R2019c release schedule for July 2019. 1. Define Equivalent Parts Equivalent parts can be defined in bulk from either site inventory or items forms. Men...
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  8079 Hits
8079 Hits

How to Tune MySQL with MySQLTuner

Calem uses MySQL as its database. For customers using Calem Cloud Services the database tuning is handled by the Calem Support Team. Using MySQLTuner to set optimal settings of MySQL helps handle larger data sets and prevents Calem from slowdown. For customers with on-premise deployment of Calem the database turning may be ...
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  7436 Hits
7436 Hits

How to Enable Instant Search for Free Text Search

Free Text Search is a convenient tool for filtering data in the list view. Simply enter a text in the free text search box to filter a list. All text fields (such as notes and descriptions) including customized fields and selective lookup fields (such as asset number, item number) are filtered. Instant search is turned off by default...
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  4510 Hits
4510 Hits

Calem Integration 4: Subscribing to Data Changes via REST API

Data change events and subscription are available in Calem Enterprise R2019b. Administrators can register 3rd-party applications as listeners in Calem. These listeners are notified when records are changed in Calem. Step 0. What is a Data Change Event A data change event is a user action to update data including creation, editing, and deletion...
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  5499 Hits
5499 Hits

How to Manage Asset Deployment in Calem

In the coming release of Calem Enterprise R2019b inventory checkout transactions have been extended to include checkout to a location or a project directly. Prior to R2019b checking to a location is done by checking out to a work order. The process to deploy an asset is: Receive an asset to inventory from a vendorMenu path: Inventory...
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  4998 Hits
4998 Hits

How to Manage Documents for a Project

 In the coming release of Calem Enterprise R2019b, a "Document" tab is added to the Project module to track documents for the project. The steps to record docs for a project are: Create a project record (Menu path: Project module | Project List | Create) Save the record, the project form is shown for the record just created...
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  4734 Hits
4734 Hits

How to Manage Documents for an Audit

​In the coming release of Calem Enterprise R2019b, a "Document" tab is added to the Inspection module to track documents used for an inspection or audit. The steps to record docs used in an inspection are: Create an inspection record for an annual inspection or audit (Menu path: Inspection module | Inspection List | Create) ...
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  5132 Hits
5132 Hits

How to Group Document by Class (Categorization)

​Documents are files or hyperlinks uploaded to Calem Enterprise. They are managed from Doc module | Document List.   1. Doc Class Tree Document class can be defined with "Doc?" flag checked. Assign document class to docs to group docs and view them from the doc class tree. Menu path: Doc module | Doc Class TreeThe tree...
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  4746 Hits
4746 Hits

Smart Lookup in Calem Enterprise R2019a

Smart lookup is introduced in Calem Enterprise R2019a. It reduces one mouse click when looking up certain values. It is activated when using lookup button or menu to pick a lookup value. Let's walk through an example to see it in action. A work order can have planned parts When checking out parts from a work order the lookup screen of the inve...
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  5037 Hits
5037 Hits

How to Upgrade to PHP 7.2

In the coming release of Calem Enterprise R2019b, the support of PHP 7.2 will be included. Customers of on-premise implementation can download the release when it is available (planned for May 2019). The release source archive will have "php72" in it such as "CalemEnterprise_2019_ioncube.php72.tar.gz" here (customer account is required).&...
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  5728 Hits
5728 Hits

Limit Editing to Approved Changes

Change management can be implemented in Calem Enterprise - see this blog. A change is created, pre-approved, reviewed, approved and executed. In Calem Enterprise release R2019a editing is limited to change owner team and manager team once a change is approved. This is to prevent unwarranted modification to approved changes. A pr...
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  4413 Hits
4413 Hits

How to Include Class Attributes in API Fetch

​Class attributes are dynamic attributes relevant to an asset, or a location used as a configuration element (CE). For instance, an computer server asset may include memory size and CPU model while a truck tire asset may include minimum and maximum pressure values. See this blog for more information about class attributes. ...
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  4287 Hits
4287 Hits

How to Manage Asset and Location Status from Work Orders

We have discussed monitoring asset status via APIs here. In Calem Enterprise R2019a and R2022d (case 8350), asset and location status can be managed at work order creation and completion. 1. "Asset Down" at WO Creation from Web and API "Asset Down" checkbox at WO creation tells Calem to automate the asset and location status management. T...
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  4624 Hits
4624 Hits