Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

Limit Editing to Approved Changes

Change management can be implemented in Calem Enterprise - see this blog. A change is created, pre-approved, reviewed, approved and executed. In Calem Enterprise release R2019a editing is limited to change owner team and manager team once a change is approved. This is to prevent unwarranted modification to approved changes. A pr...
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  4413 Hits
4413 Hits

How to Include Class Attributes in API Fetch

​Class attributes are dynamic attributes relevant to an asset, or a location used as a configuration element (CE). For instance, an computer server asset may include memory size and CPU model while a truck tire asset may include minimum and maximum pressure values. See this blog for more information about class attributes. ...
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  4287 Hits
4287 Hits

How to Manage Asset and Location Status from Work Orders

We have discussed monitoring asset status via APIs here. In Calem Enterprise R2019a and R2022d (case 8350), asset and location status can be managed at work order creation and completion. 1. "Asset Down" at WO Creation from Web and API "Asset Down" checkbox at WO creation tells Calem to automate the asset and location status management. T...
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  4623 Hits
4623 Hits

How to Set Up Vendor Tax Codes

Vendor tax codes have been improved in Calem Enterprise R2019a. It supports single site and multiple sites deployment. A default tax code can be configured at vendor or vendor site. The tax code will be used as default tax code for the vendor and vendor site.A site specific tax code can be configured for a vendor site.  This setup is usef...
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  8961 Hits
8961 Hits

How to Configure Default Values for Lookup Fields

​Default values can be configured in Calem Enterprise since the beginning. In Calem Enterprise R2019a the default values for lookup fields can also be configured. For instance, the "Unit" field in items table is a lookup field. A default value "EA" (each) can be configured so when you create a new item, the "Unit" field will be filled out with...
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  4219 Hits
4219 Hits

How to Change Asset Items in Assets?

Assets in Calem can be managed in inventory as asset items. Asset items are tracked individually in inventory through asset serial numbers. Asset item changes in assets are supported through a process defined here. In the coming release of Calem Enterprise R2019b, asset item change is available as a menu in asset form.  Enter the new asse...
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  4941 Hits
4941 Hits

How to Enable Full-Web Client for Touch Devices

​Calem Enterprise comes with client options to maximize user productivity. This blog discusses turning off Calem touch web client. Instead, full-web client is enabled for mobile web client. The use case is for large screen touch devices such as 17" tablets to use full-web client, instead of touch web client. A full-web client for bro...
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  4935 Hits
4935 Hits

How to Run Purchase Summary Reports

​Purchase summary reports have been added to Calem Enterprise R2019 including purchase orders and invoices. Purchase managers can get insights of their operations from these reports along with vendor performance report. 1. PO List Report PO List report shows purchase orders or vendor summary for a given period of time. The menu path: Purchase ...
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  4821 Hits
4821 Hits

How to Define Warehouse Staff/Storeroom Team in Calem

Warehouse staff are storeroom users performing inventory activities. Warehouse staff can be defined in teams and assigned to sites. This feature is available in Calem Enterprise R2019. It is backward compatible and will not impact current customers. This feature is turned on only after storeroom teams are defined. So, it is...
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  4998 Hits
4998 Hits

How to Enable Debug Log in Calem

The steps below can be done from Admin module of the web client.  See this blog to enable or disable debug logging. Debug log in Calem server helps troubleshooting. For customers with on-site deployment of Calem Enterprise, the debug log can be enabled in the server. The first step is to edit Calem_Home/etc/ wh...
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  4976 Hits
4976 Hits

How to Track Storeroom Activities in Calem

A new storeroom activity report has been added to Calem Enterprise R2019. It allows supervisors to view storeroom activities performed by warehouse staff. For a given time period the report lists: a) Summary of transactions by storeroom staff; or b) List of transactions by storeroom staff. The time period can be pre-defined, or a custom date r...
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  10895 Hits
10895 Hits

How to Track Inventory Physical Counts in Calem

A new report has been added in Calem Enterprise R2019 to track physical count transactions. For a given time period, you can view physical count history for: a) Items counted; b) Items not counted; or c) A single item. The time period can be pre-defined, or a custom date range with a start and end date.  The report lists last activities a...
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  5674 Hits
5674 Hits

How to Customize Asset Forms with Class (Categorization)

​Class (previously Categorization) allows one to group objects in Calem based on their category hierarchy. It also provides features including attributes and view customization. This blog discusses the view customization based on class. Asset object is used here as an example. The concept is applicable to other objects such as location. 1...
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  12918 Hits
12918 Hits

How to Report Labor Hours in Work Orders

​Calem provides a few options to report labor hours in work orders. The options allow one to develop a process of labor reporting based on business requirements. Option 1. By Start and End Time This option is the default in Calem. Technicians report labor hours by start and end time. Go to Work Order module. Navigate to a work order to report ...
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  8498 Hits
8498 Hits

How to Handle Multiple Assets and Locations in a Change

​A change request (or a MOC - management of change) can be created for an asset or a location. If the same change is required for many assets or locations, Calem allows you to create a single change request for them. This feature simplifies change management for multiple assets or locations. Here are the steps. Step 1. Create a ...
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  5787 Hits
5787 Hits

How to Order Modules in Calem

​The module bar on the left of the Calem desktop is sorted by module names alphanumerically excepting Favorite and Dashboard modules that are placed on top. See the screenshot below. There are cases you may want to order the module bar differently. This blog discusses the options available to do it.  Step 1. Customize Module Bar The ...
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  5053 Hits
5053 Hits

How to Set up Scheduled Reports in Calem

Scheduled reports have been improved in Calem Enterprise 2019. It allows one to set up a report and emailed to users based on time schedules. Work order reports are supported at this time. Additional reports may be added in the coming releases based customer feedback.  The following is a use case addressed by this feature. ...
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  5285 Hits
5285 Hits

How to Create POs through Data Upload

The feature to upload POs and PO lines is available in Calem Enterprise 2019 available in March 2019. The use case is that often times you have many POs and PO lines from other sources in excel files. This blog discusses the steps to create POs and PO lines through data upload with the templates provided by Calem. Step 1. Data Upload Refe...
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  13548 Hits
13548 Hits

How to Delete PMs Permanently in Calem

PMs are the core of the preventive maintenance in Calem. PMs are generated into work orders based on a) Time schedules; b) Meter readings; or c) Meter triggers. There are cases one wish to delete a PM permanently. A PM was created by mistake.A PM was created for an asset. That asset was created by mistake and needs to be deleted. One has to de...
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  5596 Hits
5596 Hits

Why Site Vendor Is Deprecated in Calem

Site vendor object is deprecated in Calem Enterprise in release 2019. It was intended to authorize vendors to supply parts to sites. The menu path was: Purchase | Open | Site Vendor. Once site vendor is defined, one may configure vendor prices for spare parts. The reasons to deprecate site vendor object include: Site vendor is maintained manua...
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  4497 Hits
4497 Hits

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