Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

How to Barcode with Your Phone/Pad in Calem?

You can use barcode in Calem inventory, asset and work orders. You will need the following to get started with barcode: Your iPad/iPhone, or Android Phone or TabletsInstall Calem Touch to your pad or phonesHave a label printer or have existing barcode labels. 1. Barcode Setup The diagram below shows the steps to implement barcode in Calem. The hard...
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  5830 Hits
5830 Hits

When to Change Asset/Location in Work Order

​There are cases that a work order was created with inaccurate asset or location. During troubleshooting an accurate asset or location is identified. The best practice to modify the work order and set the accurate asset. If the work order is for a location, set the accurate location. This is accomplished in Calem with the "Change Ass...
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  4916 Hits
4916 Hits

How to Manage Duplicate Service Requests in Calem

A feature has been added in release R20a to manage duplicate service requests. It allows one to group service requests that are of the same failure cause. 1. Flag "Status to Child"  A new field "Status to Child" is added to a service request (SR). Set the flag to checked for the SR that is the primary SR.  Duplicate SRs will be added...
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  4543 Hits
4543 Hits

When to Use Tree View in Calem Touch

Asset tree view will be available in Calem Touch in release R2020a planned for February 2020. Calem Touch is the mobile application available from App Store and Google Play. The tree view allows one to browse asset and location by its hierarchy.  It is an option to locate an asset/location if you have a well struc...
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  4058 Hits
4058 Hits

How to Report PM Duration vs. Actual Hours

​PM duration hours are available from work order screens so one can compare hours estimated in PM vs actual hours in work orders. This feature is available in Calem release R20 for the following screens. 1. Work Order Comments Work Order comments list shows the comments and work order information including the Duration (hours) of PM. Menu path: Wor...
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  5710 Hits
5710 Hits

How to Set up Inventory Average Unit Price

This blog is deprecated - see this blog for more information. Calem inventory includes global items and site inventory.  Items have unit prices which are intended as unit prices in work order miscellaneous cost calculation when an item is used as a miscellaneous line item in work orders. Site Inventory has average unit...
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  4983 Hits
4983 Hits

How to Set up Calem to Provide Maintenance Services

​Calem has been used by organizations to manage their maintenance services. Sample use cases include: A manufacturer uses Calem Cloud Service to manage the maintenance of equipment, and spare parts.A hospital uses Calem Cloud Service to manage the inventory and maintenance of medical equipment.A transportation department uses Ca...
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  5315 Hits
5315 Hits

How to Set up Generic Items in Calem

Generic items are transitional items that are purchased, used, but not stocked in storerooms. Dedicated item numbers are not intended for these items. Instead, one or more generic items are reused for this purpose. Generic items have been supported since release R20 in February 2020. Step 1. Create Generic Items A generic item can be crea...
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  5114 Hits
5114 Hits

How to Clone an Asset

Asset clone has been added in Calem release R20 in February 2020. You may use this feature to add an exact asset added previously. The cloning process uses the current asset's information to create the new asset including asset attributes, attachments and spare parts. The function can be launched from asset screen: Asset | Asset List | select an as...
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  4279 Hits
4279 Hits

How to Embed Videos & Photos in PM Steps

Videos can be embedded in PM steps in R20 release available in February 2020. Here are the steps to do it. Step 1. Create Docs for Videos and Photos Create a doc for each video or photo to be embedded in PM steps. Menu path: Doc | Doc List |  Create a DocCreate a doc as URL and populate the URL to your Youtube video reference.  Note ...
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  4152 Hits
4152 Hits

How to Do Weekly Schedules by Teams

A new feature has been added to Weekly Scheduling in the Calem R20 release.  You can now do weekly schedules by teams.  1. Weekly Schedule by Team The first step is to set up users who can run weekly scheduling as work order planners: Organization | ACL Profiles | Monitor UserAdd users as work order planners for sites.Launch weekly s...
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  5516 Hits
5516 Hits

How to Link Warehouses from Different Calem Services

Remote inventory is a feature to link warehouses from different Calem services. Here is the user story: A customer has independent business units A, B and C each with own Calem service. Each Calem service has own inventory and stock. The Remote Inventory feature allows users from one business unit to search parts in other business units, ...
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  3988 Hits
3988 Hits

How to Configure Barcode by Profiles

A set of action menu items is available when an asset barcode is scanned from Calem Mobile. See How to Perform Work Orders by Asset Scan. It is a lot more productive for an admin to enable only relevant barcode menu items based on user roles. This blog present the configuration steps to do it. For instance, a planner s...
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  14889 Hits
14889 Hits

How to Set up Weekly PM Reports

​This blog is an exercise of the scheduled reports in Calem discussed in the blog: How to Set up Scheduled Reports in Calem. You may review the blog to familiarize with the scheduled reports in Calem. The exercise will add two PM reports generated on Friday.  PMs due this week (from Last Saturday to this Friday)PMs due next week (from thi...
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  4347 Hits
4347 Hits

How to Set up Units and Conversion

Units, or Units of Measure (UOMs), are useful in managing inventory items. They allow items to be ordered and stocked in different units. For instance, washers are ordered from vendors by boxes (10 in a box), but checked out individually.  A site item may have a stock unit.It may have different order units when ordering fro...
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  6189 Hits
6189 Hits

How to Report Asset Part Usage

The asset part usage report is available in the coming release R2020 of Calem Enterprise. The report is based on inventory checkout transactions: Checkout to work order assets Checkout to assets directly Parts returned from the checkout transactions are excluded The menu path is: Asset | Report | Asset Part Usage. If the menu does no...
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  4569 Hits
4569 Hits

How to Control PO Line Tax Calculation

A flag has been added to R2019e to indicate if a PO line is taxible. Use this flag to turn off tax for a PO line so that PO cost will not incur tax charge for this line item. The "No Tax" flag can be edited from PO Item list in PO form. Additional Resources Requisition/Purchase Module TrainingInventory Module TrainingUser Guide and Admin Guide (cus...
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  4723 Hits
4723 Hits

How to Get Aggregate Results with REST API

​REST API in Calem allows one to fetch data from a data table such as work orders, assets and locations. In release R2019e the REST API allows one to fetch aggregate results from a data table.  Prior to R2019e one can fetch a data list through a where, order by and limit clauses ("w", "o", and "l"): w URL encoded query string used in &ldq...
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  4125 Hits
4125 Hits

How to Enable Editing for Approved POs and REQs

Editing of an approved requisition or purchase order is not allowed out of the box. A new configuration is available in release R2019e to enable editing of approved REQs or POs. This is useful if a buyer needs to add comment to an approved PO. The permission to edit approved REQs and POs can be granted per ACL profile.Menu path: Organizat...
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  4791 Hits
4791 Hits

How to Report Requisition Overdue

​Requisition overdue addresses the following use case: Requisitions have been approved or pre-approved.These requisitions have not been received in certain days (configurable) from their request time.Email notification and report are available for requisitions overdue. 1. Requisition Overdue Report Run the over due report at: Requisi...
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  4936 Hits
4936 Hits

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