Clay's Blog

These are the official blogs about CalemEAM.

Updated Asset KPIs by Assets

Asset KPIs are updated in the coming release of R2023c. They are calculated by assets instead of by asset classes. Top assets by a metric are shown. Up to 40 top assets are displayed.List Views are available for drilling down to work orders.The KPIs include the following. The KPIs can be filtered by date range, asset classes, and work order ca...
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  1871 Hits
1871 Hits

How to Search a Lookup Field by List of Values

Searching a lookup field by a list of values is available in the coming release of R2023c. A lookup field takes a value from another table. For instance, the item field in site inventory is a lookup field to the item code table. This feature allows one to display a list of site inventory by a list of item codes (for instance, in...
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  1721 Hits
1721 Hits

How to Upgrade to PHP 8.1

In the coming release of Calem Enterprise R2023c, the support of PHP 8.1 is included. Customers of on-premise implementation can download the release when it is available (planned for July 2023). The release source archive will have "php81" in it such as "CalemEnterprise_2023_ioncube.php81.tar.gz" here (customer account is required). This blog...
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  1859 Hits
1859 Hits

How to Use Cleaning (CIP) Schedules

CIP (Cleaning-In-Place) Scheduling is a new feature in the coming release of Calem R2023b. The screenshot below shows work orders in the Open WO list that fall within CIP schedules. A planner may choose to execute some of the work orders within CIP schedules. The CIP feature streamlines work order scheduling based on the CIP time windows. The steps...
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  2326 Hits
2326 Hits

Viewing HEIC Files in Calem

HEIC files are the default format for photos in iOS. They are efficiently encoded and may include information such as timestamp and geolocation. Unfortunately, HEIC files cannot be displayed by browsers. One has to download them first, view them in other apps such as Preview App in a MacBook. HEIC files will be shown direct...
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  1709 Hits
1709 Hits

Access Control for Inventory Stores

 Access control for inventory stores will be available in the coming release of R2023b. Here is the use case: There are spare parts in stores (or storerooms) for maintenance use.The spare parts in one store can only be checked out by some users.This is achieved through the introduction of exclusive and inclusive stores in A...
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  1685 Hits
1685 Hits

Best Practice 3: Multi-Site Inventory

The inventory module in Calem is built for an organization to have consistency of inventory naming across business units for better visibility and sharing. This blog covers the best practice for inventory management in Calem. 1. Item and Inventory Items include parts, services and repair services used in your organization. An item may be used ...
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  1816 Hits
1816 Hits

Best Practice 2: Calem Integration

This is the second installment of the best practices in Calem. It focuses on the integration support of Calem including data upload via excel and data dictionary for admin and integrators.  1. Bulk Create/Update in Excel Bulk data create and update can be done through excel for efficiency. See this blog:
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  1657 Hits
1657 Hits

Best Practice 1: Multi-Org and Admin

This blog series covers the best practices for customers and integrators to maximize the benefits from Calem Enterprise. The first blog focuses on the multi-org options and administration of Calem. The series will use existing blogs when possible so one does not have to go to user manuals that require valid support accounts to access. 1. Multi...
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  1703 Hits
1703 Hits

How to Report Failure in Work Orders

A failure code may be recorded when an asset or location failed. It is done by populating a failure code when a work order is created for a failure. This blog discusses the ways to report the failure in Calem. 1. Find WOs with Failure by List Search Row WO Lists can be filtered by List Search Row to find WOs with failure code. The steps b...
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  1911 Hits
1911 Hits

WO Auto-Assignment and Notification by Specialty

Work order assignment can be automated based on specialty for productivity. A specialty is a skill code to do a work order such as electrical, mechanical, cleaning, etc.  1. Find the Menu Use the menu tree to search all menu related to specialty below: Menu: Work Order | Codes | Specialty - to define codes for specialty.Menu: Organiz...
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  1877 Hits
1877 Hits

How to Reuse Steps in PM Plans

PM plans may be shared in general. For instance, a PM plan is used across an organization for the same assets. However, there are cases that this is not possible. Calem provides an option to reuse steps in PM Plans. Reuse is better than duplicate steps in most cases since duplicates require extra overhead in chang...
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  1655 Hits
1655 Hits

How to Use Business Lines in Calem

Business lines have been extended in release R2023a at the end of March 2023. This blog discusses steps to set up business lines. Enhancements have been planned in the coming releases for reports and work order scheduling. Business lines can be used to group work orders, assets and locations. For instance, assets can be grouped by product...
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  1930 Hits
1930 Hits

Multiple Lines for a Service or Repair Item in a Requisition/PO

Multiple lines of a service or repair item can be added to a requisition or purchase order in Calem release R2023a available in March 2023. For service item, each additional REQ or PO line of the same item needs to have a different cost center.For repair item, each additional REQ or PO line of the same item needs to have a different ...
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  1854 Hits
1854 Hits

How to Identify Network Issues from Calem Web

Network issues such as internet connection outage will cause Calem to display an error message shown below. The error message indicating a network issue. To confirm the network problem you may use browser developer tools to confirm. Chrome is used as an example. Edge, Safari and Firefox all support developer tools.Go to Chrome's Opti...
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  1822 Hits
1822 Hits

Enhancement to License Seat Reporting

License seat reporting has been improved in the coming release of R2023a: License seats export to Excel: Admin | Open | User Seat User report includes the "License" flag for users with a license assigned: Organization | Report | User ListingQuery on the "License" flag (set to 1) to show all users with license assigned.  Additional Re...
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  1725 Hits
1725 Hits

Multiple MAC Addresses for Assets

Multiple MAC addresses are available for an asset in the coming release of Calem R2023a. It allows a user to find an asset by its mac addresses. Menu path: Asset | Report | MAC addresses  MAC addresses can be managed from Asset form: Menu path: Asset | Asset List | Asset | Contract Tab | MAC Address list  MAC address info is shown in...
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  2281 Hits
2281 Hits

Dashboard for Purchase Orders and Receipts

 A dashboard of purchase orders (POs) and receipts are available for budgetary purposes in the coming release of R2023a. Menu path: Dashboard | Inventory | PO and ReceiptsMonthly POs and Receipts are visualized in bar charts and list views.Use "Year" menu to set a year for reporting.Multi-site drill-down is supported.Drill-down to POs and rece...
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  2027 Hits
2027 Hits

Calem AI: Asset Failure Prediction by AI (artificial intelligence)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology for tackling complex problems such as answering questions. For instance, I got the following response when asking ChatGPT, an AI powered chat bot, "Why AI": Why AI by ChatGPT AI, or artificial intelligence, has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, from health...
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  2562 Hits
2562 Hits

How to Update User Profile Assignments in Bulk

User access rights are managed in Calem by ACL Profiles. It is efficient to manage user profiles in bulk for organizations with many users. This is done through bulk data export and import (see this blog).  1. Export Profile Assignment The first step is to inventory the profile assignments. The exported assignments are then used to prepar...
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  1805 Hits
1805 Hits